Monday, May 23, 2011

How to make your flyer distribution a success

Hand-to-hand delivery is still one of the best ways of marketing your product - even in the high-tech age we live in, a properly implemented campaign of flyer distribution is an excellent way of reaching your customers, or potential customers. But as with anything, there are potential pitfalls.

The first aspect which can cause a flyer distribution campaign to fail is simple - poor design or wording. If your flyers aren't clear about what it is they're promoting, they will probably go straight from the hand they're placed in to the nearest bin. An eye-catching design with clear, concise wording stating exactly what it is that you are offering with easily-located contact details is essential, yet this is a mistake that many people make.

A too-cluttered design will make your flyer confusing and thus unappealing to someone who has received it on a busy city street. It may be worth putting less information on it for the sake of clarity. If someone in a hurry can get a clear idea of what it is you are promoting on a first glance, it's more likely that they will keep hold of the flyer and either call for further information or look at your website if you have one. Depending on the size of your business, it may be worth looking into hiring a design company to take care of your flyers as this will ensure they are as good as they can be.

Another potential issue which can cause problems when implementing a flyer distribution campaign is the law. Always look into your local borough council's laws when deciding whether to distribute flyers, especially in the town centre. Some towns and cities will be fine with it, whereas some prohibit it and punish with fines.

Make sure that your flyer distribution campaign targets the right people. Having someone put a flyer in somebody's hand is a great way of reaching potential customers as it gives people a someone to talk to about the product, but if it's handed to someone who most likely won't be interested or affected by it, it's a wasted flyer. Asking shops, bars or clubs to take some to put on their counters is another great way to target potential customers, especially if they attract relevant clientele. If the flyers advertise a rock night at a local nightclub for example, asking local music shops or stores which sell rock-style clothing is a great way to reach potential customers.

A well-implemented flyer distribution campaign can be an excellent way to reach both your existing and potential customers. If given the proper thought, following these basic tips can help your hand-to-hand delivery campaign is more likely to be a success.

Brought to you by Thomas Pretty a marketing expert with many years of experience implementing hand-to-hand delivery methods.

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